Thursday, May 14, 2015

Confused, Ambitious, but Often Too Lazy.

I don't know what's wrong with me. I want to find my passion in life, to excel at something excellent. As of right now, I know I am good at makeup and that's about it. But, I think I am afraid to put myself out there. I have always been afraid to find out what people think about me, but honestly I have GOT to come to a point where that does not even matter, only what myself and GOD thinks of me mattter. I need to let this fear go, and stop being alive and start LIVING. Stop comparing yourself to other pople, stop always worrying what the next man/ woman is doing and FOCUS on you. I am truly an ambitious go getter type person, but ofen I realize I am too lazy or sometimes scared to go after what make me happy. NO MORE. I AM GOING TO ACCOMPLISH MY GOALS, no matter what it takes!! I am powerful, I am intelligent, I am beautiful and although( as of right now....) I am a bit confused on what I want to do with my life, I am going to focus on my strengths and stop focusing on my weaknesses or downfalls.
My strengths:(in no particular order)
1) Makeup
2) Giving advice / seeing the best in other peoples' situations (funny thing about this... I hate to watch someone else giving up on their dream/ goal..because it is like looking at myself giving up and I just do not like that feeling
3) Writing ( I come up with stories in my head all the time..and I believe this blog will be the perfect place to write those stories down)
I am using this blog as a template, to help myself and other girls Create their confidence!!
I love the word confidence, I love just saying it makes me feel moe confident.
I know this post is all over the place... these are just my random thoughts at 3:09 in the morning. I think I will try to get some sleep now, dream positively.
I (all these sentences start with I lol, it annoys me) am not sure if I will keep this post up, but if I do.....I hope by reading this someone else going through the same situation/ phase, you will get through this. It is going to be okay, you don't have to have all the answers right now... God will show you his plan. I truly believe that. Keep faith in your heart,

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